Monday, October 14, 2024
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The Yanomami Park covers 37,000 square miles in the Brazilian Amazon on the Venezuelan border; it is inhabited by 27,000 Yanomami. Soaring gold prices have resulted in a massive ongoing invasion of the indigenous territory by gold miners who are well supported with monetary backing, heavy equipment and aircraft.On 3 July, a federal judge issued an emergency ruling ordering...
This article was first published in Portuguese by Público. It has been translated for LAB by Theo Bradford and edited by Mike Gatehouse There was a great moment of silence on the banks of the river Uraricoera when Macunaíma, the 'hero without a character’, was born in the depths of the virgin forest, ‘black as calcined ivory’ and ‘sired by...
LAB badly needs new sources of funding, not least so that we can retain our four wonderful part-time researcher/ editors. Meanwhile, LAB is busier than ever. LAB needs to be able to pay our main researchers and editors, and offer them security of employment. The best ways you can help are by signing up to LAB’s Patreon (see below); helping us...
The third of our Voices webinars focuses on the rights of nature, indigenous people and mining. But there's lots of news from the region and of LAB's activities and plans. Voices of Latin America Webinar 3 The Rights of Nature and Indigenous Peoples Saturday 8 May, 15:00-16:30. Tom Gatehouse & Marilene Cardoso Ribeiro will introduce the themes and voices for the webinar. Speakers...
The Latin America Bureau (LAB) invites you to the third instalment of our Voices of Latin America webinar series: The Rights of Nature and Indigenous Peoples.

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