- Website: http://www.alternautas.net
- Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/alternautas
- Twitter account: https://twitter.com/alternautas
- e-mail address: gruz@ichem.cl
- Contact Person: Gibran Cruz-Martinez
We bring Latin-American reflections on development to English-speaking audiences and serve as a platform for testing, circulating and debating new ideas and reflections.
We believe that there exists a vast and valuable production of relevant and original thinking about such issues in Latin America, or Abya Yala, as its native populations decided to refer to it. However, it remains largely confined to regional boundaries due to language barriers. Alternautas emerges from a desire to bridge such barriers, by bringing Latin-American intellectual reflections on development to larger, English-speaking, audiences.
Alternautas also intends to serve as a platform for testing, circulating, and debating new ideas and reflections on these topics, expanding beyond the geographical, cultural and linguistic boundaries of Latin America – Abya Yala. We hope to contribute to connecting ideas, and to provide a space for intellectual exchange and discussion for a nascent academic community of scholars, devoted to counter-balancing mainstream understandings of development.
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