Ciro Barros
Cross-border traffic in coca and labour
Peruvian coca farmers are actively recruiting Brazilian indigenous workers from the Alto Salimöes region to harvest and transport coca. Violence and exploitation are rife.
Brazil: timber export boom under Bolsonaro
Police investigations implicated then Brazilian environment minister Riacrdo Salles in illegal exports of high-value timber from the Amazon to consumers in the US and Europe.
Brazil: “We’re on a precipice”
For the university professor João Cezar de Castro Rocha, Bolsonaro and his followers are defined by a revanchist and revisionist vision of Brazilian history....
The final offensive against Brazil’s indigenous people
The anthropologist Eduardo Viveiros de Castro discusses indigenous resistance in the Amazon, the indigenous leader Raoni Metuktire, and his pessimism about the climate crisis
Pay-off time: Brazilian agribusiness calls in favours
Agência Pública is a LAB partner, and provided this article for publication in English by LAB. Translation by Shanna Hanburyt The original, in Portuguese,...