Emily Gregg
Chile: why was the new constitution rejected?
Why did such a large majority of Chileans (62%) reject the new draft constitution in the plebiscite on 4 September? Emily Gregg analyses the salient reasons and asks, if not like this, then how is change to be effected?
Voz V | The Covid-19 Pandemic: Survival
The arrival of Covid-19 devastated Latin America. Across the region, there are calls to build a more just economy and society than the one that was left behind.
Chile: ‘Three Grounds’ abortion law inadequate
Chile's current 'Three Grounds' abortion law is proving inadequate in practice. Lack of public information, the 14-week limit and medical staff 'conscientious objection' opt outs all lead to many unwanted pregnancies and dangerous illegal abortions. The incoming Boric government is being urged to reform the law.
No quiet evening in Chile
LAB editor Emily Gregg reports from Concepción Chile on the historic night of Gabriel Boric' election victor
Venezuela: Trochas de la información
Emily Gregg reviews a video film which brings together journalists trying to report on the Covid-19 pandemic in Venezuela and the repression they have experienced in trying to tell the truth.
SLAS to fund LAB’s Voices webinars
LAB is delighted to announce that we have been awarded funding from the Society of Latin America Studies (SLAS). The grant will be used...
Covid-19 in Latin America – Update 14, 22 October
Covid-19 in Latin America update 14: Argentina reaches 800,000 cases, Brazil agrees to test Russia’s ‘Sputnik’ vaccine, Chileans vote 'Apruebo' with social distancing in place, Colombia sees increase in violence against LGBTQ+, Cuba reopens 13/15 provinces to tourists.
Covid-19 in Latin America – Update 13, 25 August
The latest update from LAB on Coronavirus incidence and counter-measures highlights worrying increases in cases in several countries and little sign of people in countries such as Brazil blaming their rulers for the spread of the pandemic.
Covid-19 in Latin America – Update 12, 6 August
Covid-19 in Latin America. Update 12 from LAB. Protests in Bolivia's prisons, Jair Bolsonaro's test results, Chileans withdraw pension funds, Colombians try to do the same, hotels in Mexico are to be converted into temporary refuges for victims of domestic violence.
Covid-19 in Latin America – Update 11, 23 July
By Emily Gregg, edited by Mike Gatehouse.LAB has put together this eleventh overview of the spread of coronavirus across the region and the reaction...