Nathalie Mercier
Guatemala: violence against women
8 March is celebrated as International Women’s Day. However, in Guatemala for the past three years, the day has been a painful reminder of the long road towards gender equity, and the potentially lethal consequences of continuing misogynistic and violent attitudes towards women.
Learning K’iche’: “Guatemala, utz awech?”
by Nathalie Mercier with María Yax
Learning a language always opens
our eyes. Communicating in another language does not mean just translating
word-by-word ideas and concepts, but...
Guatemala: presidential hopefuls inspire little confidence
Written by Nathalie Mercier, Christian Aid’s Programme Officer in Guatemala
Decision day is fast approaching
for Guatemalans awaiting the result of the country’s presidential elections.
Structural violence and displacement in Central America and Colombia
This article was prepared for Christian Aid by Nathalie Mercier (Guatemala), Maria Useche (Colombia), Tania Grande (El Salvador) and Javier SanVicente (Honduras)
Main image: migrant...
Emerging Out of the Fog
Nathalie Mercier has been working as a human rights observer in Guatemala, as the country grapples with its history of 45,000 'disappeared'.