Friday, September 20, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Russell White

Russell White

Brutal repression and commercial bids to co-opt them have failed. The pixadores --the city's graphic rap-artists- fight to maintain their transgressive art of tagging walls and buildings.
Nicaragua’s Grand Canal project continues to be delayed amid news that Wang has lost 85 percent of his fortune. The canal seems ever more to be a mirage. Russell White investigates.
Urban street art is now an established feature of Argentina's capital, adding plenty of colour to many of the city's neighbourhoods . Russell White explores.
In the last of the series, Russell White looks at the geo-strategic implications of the Nicaraguan Canal and wonders why the United States has not been more vocal.
The death of Baby Doc may deprive his victims of justice --they can expect little support from President Michel Martelly.
The government launches a new initiative to boost tourism, this time making use of Haiti's rich history. Russell White takes a look.

Haiti: Arresting Aristide

Attempts to arrest former President Aristide are a ticking time bomb for Haiti’s government.
Thousands are forced to flee as armed groups fight for territory in Chocó.

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