Suzie Beckley
Staying true to the victims of the Argentine dictatorship
This new documentary by Ulises de la Orden takes us to the heart of the courtroom using original footage from Argentina’s post-dictatorship trials. The...
Pakucha: Andean cosmovision and Aymara rituals
This new documentary film depicts an Aymara community in Peru’s Puno region as they celebrate a fertility ritual in honour of Pakucha: the spirit of the alpaca that lives in the Andes.
Tomasa Tito Condemayta depicted in new film
Whilst Túpac Amaru II is hailed as the hero of the 1780 Andean Rebellion against the Spanish in Peru, little is known about Tomasa Tito Condemayta. Maria Herrera Badell's new short film is a ‘false’ documentary with truth at its heart.
Is Mexico City’s police force as bad as its reputation?
Alonso Ruizpalacios’ latest feature film 'A Cop Movie' defies expectations about the Mexico City Police and gets to the core of the force’s role in society.