Robb writes: “The new constitution was drafted in a lengthy conflict-filled convention which lasted nearly two years. Many misperceptions exist both inside and outside Bolivia about the content of the constitution and the social issues surrounding the referendum. Failure to understand and respond appropriately to the social conflicts in Bolivia led to serious problems in U.S. and Bolivian bilateral relations in 2008. The enclosed packet of memos contains facts and
analysis which should be helpful to both policymakers and journalists who seek to understand the context in Bolivia.
“The organizations listed below have joined together in the effort to periodically distribute information useful to policymakers and journalists regarding developments in Bolivia and Bolivian-U.S. relations. Please note that each memo reflects the views of its author(s) and not necessarily those
of the other organizations participating in this effort.“
Change for the Better: The Chance to Recast U.S.-Bolivia Relations
by Kathryn Ledebur of the Andean Information Network (AIN) and John Walsh of the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA).
The United States Should Support Land Reform in Bolivia
by Doug Hertzler, member of the Board of Directors of the Andean Information Network, and Associate Professor of Anthropology at Eastern
Mennonite University.
U.S.-Bolivia Trade and Investment Relations: Opportunities for Exploring Equitable and Sustainable Alternatives (Updated)
by Sarah Anderson of the Institute for Policy Studies.
U.S. Must Assist in Bringing Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada and Accomplices to Justice
by David Kane of Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns.
Bolivia’s International Relations: New Alliances Fill Widening Rifts with U.S.
by Chris Krueger of Bolivia Ground.
and The Distribution of Bolivia’s Most Important Natural Resources and the Autonomy Conflicts
by Mark Weisbrot and Luis Sandoval of the Center for Economic and Policy Research.