Friday, April 19, 2024

Jan Rocha's Blog

Jan Rocha is a former correspondent for the BBC and the Guardian and lives in São Paulo, Brazil. She is the author of a number of LAB books, and contributes this regular column for LAB, known for its incisive analysis of current Brazilian politics.

Brazil’s disaster movie

Watching the Brazilian political scene is a bit like watching an old disaster movie, where a suicidal maniac has taken over the plane’s controls and put...

Bolsonaro’s Black Box

P oll after poll this week has shown support for the ex-army captain, Jair Bolsonaro, is growing, while the number backing Fernando Haddad, from...

Brazil’s elections: right or left?

With just a few days to go elections on 7 October, polls indicate a run off in the second round between the small PSL’s...

Brazil — federal police have a sense of humour

The last episode in Brazil's fast-moving political drama around the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff gives us more arrests, head-butting and fisticuffs.

Bom dia, Lula

Updated 23 June, to reflect latest legal decision. In his prison cell, every morning at 7 o’clock, Lula hears hundreds of supporters camped nearby...

Brazil: Lula on course for first round victory

Brazil's presidential election looks very likely to deliver a first round victory for Lula. Will Bolsonaro, like Trump, attempt to discredit the voting, or work to sabotage the new governmdent.

Brazil: King Canute and his gang

Sāo Paulo, 16 September: Like a tropical King Canute, president Michel Temer defies the waves of accusations battering his government, even when they are presented...

Brazil — election post-mortem

The PT (Workers' Party) fared very badly in the recent municipal elections and is unlikely to recover before 2018. The political system is entering a new era, but no one knows where it will lead.

Brazil: a book called João

April 11th 2017. In Rio recently ex-military officer and ultra rightwing deputy Jair Bolsanaro was applauded for his racist remarks at the Hebrew club,...

Bolsonaro provokes constitutional crisis to cloak scandals

Mired in scandal, Bolsonaro provokes a constitutional crisis to divert attention. But, as Lula's campaign gears up, the key question is what the military will do.

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