Plan Colombia & FARC
This article gives you a really powerful idea of what it is like on the ground as the Colombian government pursues its offensive against coca-growing and the FARC guerrillas, which remain, as ever, intermingled.
Zibechi on New Latin American Governments
Raul Zibechi, a Uruguayan journalist and one of Latin Amerca's leading political analysts, looks at the relationship between the new progressive governments in Latin America and social movements.
Sunday Times & Survival International
The Sunday Times has an interesting article on Brazilian Indians today. The journalist Chrstina Lamb went back to the region visited by Norman Lewis 40 years ago.
Bolivia: after the vote
A further decisive win for Evo Morales should settle debate about Bolivia's new constitution. But the divisions the campaign exposed ensure a bumpy ride ahead, says John Crabtree.
Bolivia’s Referendum on a New Constitution
Rachel Robb from has been circulating memos in time for Bolivia's referendum to approve a new constitution on 25th January. Topics include US-Bolivia trade, land reform, the economy...
Cuba’s Revolution: Survival, Loyalty, Change
The Cuban revolution has been championed and assailed for five decades. But what are the real sources of its endurance, and will these be enough to extend its life far beyond its fiftieth anniversary?
The Rights of Nature
At the end of September, voters in Ecuador enthusiastically approved a referendum designed to consolidate power under leftist president Rafael Correa and to strategically shock the country's flagging economy.
Peasants are Victims of the Cornering of the Land Market in...
Peasants are suffering the effects of a land grab, stimulated by governments, anxious about their food security, and by multinationals, keen to cash in on agrofuels (In English and French).
The Snakes Sleep: Attacks against the Media and Impunity in Honduras
Sandra Cuffe looks at the attempts to stifle freedom of speech and the impunity granted to aggressors in Honduras since the coup in 2009.