Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Robert White: A US ambassador who fought against CIA policy in...

US Ambassador to Paraguay and El Salvador, Robert White, who has died aged 88, was sacked by the Reagan administration.

Paraguay – storms ahead

President Cartes has called for Brazilian investors to "use and abuse" the country so it is scarcely surprising that Paraguayan peasants, driven off their land by Brazilian farmers, are feeling angry.

Paraguay: Can the deforestation be stopped?

The Chaco region is under imminent threat of total deforestation

The new face of Latin American farming

Vast tracts of land are being taken over by powerful investors, many of them from Latin America. Such is the pace, says development expert, Cristobal Kay, that the continent is being transformed before our eyes.

Revisiting Paraguay 2

So the economy's booming? Tell that to the poor, says Jan Rocha in the second of her blog posts.

Paraguay: A new report on the Curuguaty massacre

A SOA Watch delegation finds 'grave irregularities' exercised by 'mafiosa-like powers'.

British supermarkets, GMO soya and birth defects

The UK's six largest supermarkets have quietly decided to allow more GM soya into the food chain, despite horrific evidence of the impact of the GM soya boom in Argentina.

Paraguay: the bañados go up town

Mothers from the bañados mudflats in Asunción, demonstrate against police ill-treatment of their children.

Brasiguaios and Paraguayan politics

This video gives a flavour of the attitudes of prosperous Brazilian soya producers based in Paraguay.

Paraguay Reader: Special Offer

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