Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Home Z9 IndigBrazil

Z9 IndigBrazil

Indigenous Brazil Violated Project

Brazil: tread gently on the earth

Director Marcos Colón has made a remarkable film about the Amazon, charting how in three countries, Brazil, Peru and Colombia, 'modernity' means exploitation and destruction. He interviews indigenous leaders with a very different vision.

Cross-border traffic in coca and labour

Peruvian coca farmers are actively recruiting Brazilian indigenous workers from the Alto Salimöes region to harvest and transport coca. Violence and exploitation are rife.

The Amazon: is this the Third World War?

What is happening in the Amazon is a war -- against the rainforest, its original inhabitants, and also against the rest of the world. Perhaps this is the Third World War, the war to end all wars?

Voz V | The Covid-19 Pandemic: Survival

The arrival of Covid-19 devastated Latin America. Across the region, there are calls to build a more just economy and society than the one that was left behind.

Dom and Bruno – Bolsonaro’s victims

Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira were murdered in a remote area of the Amazon – almost certainly by or on the orders of those who run the illegal trade in fish, timber, drugs and minerals. President Bolsonaro has fuelled lawlessness by his rhetoric.

Two men missing in The Amazon ‘wild-west’

The Javari reserve in Amazonas, where Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira disappeared, is a wild-west border region with multiple problems of drug trafficking, smuggling and land grabbing.

Brazil: mining destruction in the Amazon

The latest report by APIB and Amazon Watch, is the fourth in their Complicity in Destruction series covering the perpetual destructive mining practices in the Amazon and the impacts these have had on the lives of the indigenous populations of the forest. 

Brazil: letting the stampede rip

The Bolsonaro government's assault on regulations and indigenous rights has led to a stampede of land-grabbing by loggers, miners and cattle ranchers. They have let through the stampede (passar a boiada).


Antonio Ioris, director of the Indigenous Brazil Violated project, in parternship with LAB, has written a policy brief on the ongoing genocide of Brazil's Guarani-Kaiowa people.

Ecocide or Good Living – A Circle of Dialogue

Against a backdrop of dramatic photos of environmental destruction in the Amazon, Brazilian indigenous and NGO leaders call for ecocide to be prosecuted.

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