Thursday, April 25, 2024

IB Health

Urucum, braceletes e fio peniano

Part of the Sebastião Salgado na Amazônia series. Discusses Korubo culture and habits - with a request from one of the Korubos for more...

Cercados por todos os lados

Part of the Sebastião Salgado na Amazônia series. Describes the multiple threats to the Marubos and the weakening of the infrastructure designed to protect...

Taxas de hepatite e malaria são uma ameaça constante

Part of the Sebastião Salgado na Amazônia series. Covers lack of essential services in Marubo areas and dangers they face to their health

Xingu fecha fronteiras para evitar chegada do coronavírus

Part of the Sebastião Salgado na Amazônia series. Discusses the threat posed by COVID-19 to the Parque Indígena do Xingu and the impacts of...

Virus toll of indigenous elders is destroying history

COVID-19 kills the elderly, those with underlying health conditions, the poor and vulnerable. It is now doing so in the Brazilian Amazon where the...

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