Thursday, October 3, 2024
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IB Land Conflict

Brazil: letting the stampede rip

The Bolsonaro government's assault on regulations and indigenous rights has led to a stampede of land-grabbing by loggers, miners and cattle ranchers. They have let through the stampede (passar a boiada).

Stepping softly on the earth

A new film from Marcos Colón interviews indigenous leaders from across the Amazon whose thinking could transform our world as modern extraction and exploitation tip us further towards chaos and the destruction of the planet

Brazil is on fire

With crucial votes pending on land rights, Bolsonaro ramps up threats of violence and casts the shadow of coup across the 2022 presidential elections

Brazil’s Grain Railway alarms Indigenous groups

The Ferrogrão a 933 km-long line planned to run through the heart of the Amazon rainforest from Sinop to Miritituba, is arousing consternation amont indigenous groups as the project moves ahead without proper consultation

Brazil: Remembering the Eldorado massacre

Telling the story of a collective act of creativity -- to create a monument in memory of the 19 landless farmers killed on 17...

Senti-pensarnos Tierra – CLACSO Boletin No.1, October 2020

Contributions include: * El Extractivismo no está en cuarantena - Patricia Gualinga * A Força da Sucuri - Mekaron-ti Txucarramãe *Pajés e curandeiros contra o coronavirus - Thodá Kanamari * A Covid-19 na Amazônia brasileira - Lino João da Oliveira Neves * Covid-19, transmissão comunitária e óbitos. Como a Pandemia chegou aos Cintas-Largas em Mato Grosso e Rondônia - João del Pos, María Inês Hargreaves * Pandemia, racismo y genocidio de indígenas y negros en Brasil. El coronavirus y la política del exterminio - Felipe Milanes y Samuel Vida * Memoria. Morreu Artiana Yawalapíti! * Silencio, choro e luto com o Xingu - Felipe Milanes

Brazil: the Yanomami abandoned

A new report highlights the escalating existential crisis among the 30,000 Indigenous people living in the Yanomami Territory, covering 9,664,975 hectares (37,317 square miles)...

Frontiers of Development in the Amazon: Riches, Risks, and Resistances

Frontiers of Development in the Amazon: Riches, Risks, and Resistances contributes to ongoing debates on the processes of change in the Amazon, a region...

Indigenous Peoples, Land-based Disputes and Strategies of Socio-spatial Resistance at Agricultural...

ABSTRACT: Frontiers of national development and agricultural expansion constitute spaces of intense interaction, disputes and contestation. The Brazilian economy continues to largely rely on...

Brazil: bonanza for timber exporters

by Thaís Borges & Sue Branford Forest degradation nearly doubled in the Brazilian Amazon last year, rising from 4,946 square kilometers in 2018, to...

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