Thursday, April 18, 2024

Cities, Urban Planning, Housing, Transport

Covid-19 in Latin America – 4 May update

By Emily Gregg, with additional material from Peru & Haiti Support Groups UK and LAB correspondents in the region.LAB has put together this sixth...

Covid-19 in Latin America – 22 May update

By Emily Gregg, edited by Mike Gatehouse, with additional material from Peru & Haiti Support Groups UK and LAB correspondents in the region.LAB has...

Covid-19 in Latin America – 5 June update

By Emily Gregg, edited by Mike Gatehouse, with additional material from Peru & Haiti Support Groups UK and LAB correspondents in the region.LAB has...

Colombia: Duque fails to convince as virus takes hold

Every day at 5pm, give or take half an hour, the figures detailing the numbers of fatalities, recoveries and new cases of Covd-19 become...

Buenos Aires: the virus reaches the ‘villas miseria’

Main image: Without water, the virus spreads. Image: Facebook profile of Barrios de Pie Ramona Medina, one of the community leaders of Villa 31,...

Colombia: lessons of the pandemic

8 July 2020. In Colombia, children from the Chocó Robotics Club located in one of the remotest, poorest, and most violence-scarred departments, have used...

Medellin Global

Centro de Estudios Internacionales Estratégicos Working in: Medellín, Antioquía, Colombia We promote research into various themes of social interest via the Centre for International Strategic Studies...

Colombia: street art and social justice in Bogotá

A virtual dialogue was organised to discuss Alba Griffin's new chapter in Pedagogías de la disidencia en América Latina, titled ‘No Somos Falsos Somos Positivos: teorías vernáculas sobre la violencia política y cotidiana en el puente del grafitero’.

Brazil: diversity does well, but the moderates are the winners

Bolsonaro and his brand of extreme right wing politics have emerged as the big losers in Brazil’s recent local elections, but established left wing parties have not done so well either. Jan Rocha reports.

Transforming urban spaces: Guatemala City’s barrancos

Architect, urbanist and previous executive Director of Fundación Crecer in Guatemala City, Ninotchka Matute stresses the need to shift the urban imaginary in her native Guatemala City, by reframing derelict spaces as those of potential

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