Thursday, April 25, 2024

Indigenous Peoples

Editorial Cartonera Intercultural, Laboratorio de Prácticas Artísticas Comunitarias

Una propuesta multi- e interdisciplinaria que conjuga las artes literarias y visuales contemporaneas en el Ecuador.

Guatemala Solidarity Network

Supports the people of Guatemala and their struggle for changes after centuries of oppression, violence, racism and exploitation.

Brazilian movement takes inspiration from Zapatistas

The autonomous movement that spearheaded the Brazilian protests took direct inspiration from the horizontal model of Mexico’s Zapatista communities.

Brazil — Waimiri-Atroari indigenous massacre

Thanks to Brazil's Truth Commission, hard evidence is finally emerging of one of the worst atrocities of the last 40 years

Dismantling democracy – the assault on indigenous rights in Brazil

Not since the days of military dictatorship have Brazil's Indian communities faced such massive attacks on their rights.

Guatemala: It certainly was genocide

Some have doubted whether the killings during Guatemala's civil war amounted to genocide. COHA sets the record straight.

Guatemala: ‘Reconciliation’ at gun-point

The Guatemalan right is not too bothered about Ríos Montt himself. What they fear is the precedent.

Photo Essay: Ríos Montt Genocide Trial

Former Guatemalan head of state Jose Efrain Rios Montt, who ruled Guatemala from March 1982 to August 1983, was sentenced to 80 years' imprisonment for genocide and crimes against humanity by a Guatemalann court. This case is the first in world history.

Guatemala: Appeal on behalf of anti-mine protestors

Communities close to a Canadian-owned mine have been placed under virtual military rule.

Brazil — indians harness the wind

While Brazil’s Government tends to favour a one-size-fits-all approach to energy provision, an indigenous group in the far north has come up with its own more sustainable solution.

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