Thursday, January 23, 2025

Indigenous Peoples

Belo Monte — Indians threaten “river of blood”

Controversy over Brazil’s giant hydropower station in the Xingu river is set to intensify. Sue Branford reports.

Communities battle to save Amazon forest

Amazon communities have seized barges of hard wood to protest over illegal logging. Americas Report has the story

Bulletin 16 February 2010

 Haiti: illness threatens survivors and orphaned children ♦ Nicaragua: Indigenous peoples are not citizens ♦ Peru: politics and show business mix well ♦ Venezuela: desperate attempts to solve energy crisis ♦ Heavy rains are the

Ecuador’s President Faces Off With Indigenous and Social Movements

Rafael Correa is in trouble with those who put him in power. Roger Burbach explains the reasons

Bulletin 28 January 2010

 Honduras: new President takes office ♦ Peru: Five people die from rains in Cuzco ♦ Haiti: another survivor rescued ♦ Mexico to buy dollars to boost reserves ♦ Indigenous peoples worry for climate change

Ecuador’s cunning plan

A plan to save the rainforest in Ecuador is getting atention from the world.  

Letter from Manaus

Last week I went to Manaus for a conference.  It was 40 years since the first time I'd been there.  Manaus then was a small town of elegant old houses dating from the rubber boom, built around the grandiose Opera House,  a town of  precarious shanties

Mudslides Wreck Argentinian Town

The recent rains in the north of Argentina caused mudslides that devastated the town of Tartagal. Indigenous activists have been mobilising to stop the deforestation responsible for the disaster (in Spanish)

Sunday Times & Survival International

The Sunday Times has an interesting article on Brazilian Indians today. The journalist Chrstina Lamb went back to the region visited by Norman Lewis 40 years ago.

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