Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Home Topics Land Page 30


Brazil: the land grab hottens up

Foreign investors believe that Brazil could have 150 million hectares of under-used farm land

Bolivia: indigenous groups mobilise against highway

Government plans highway through indigenous land. From Bolivia Oscar Salgado calls on the LAB community to sign the indigenous petition against the road.

The Mandate of Manaus: Indigenous Action for Life

Marianne Arake, from LAB, has translated into English the important 'call for action' produced jointly by indigenous groups from the nine countries of the Amazon Basin after their meeting in Manaus.

Venezuela Tackles Illegal Gold Mafias as Chávez Nationalises Gold Industry

The Venezuelan government's decision to take control of the gold business has brought to the surface a serious problem.

Amazonian Indians confront authorities

At the end of this month's indigenous meeting in Manaus, Raoni Kayapó confronts the authorities, just as the woman indigenous leader, Tuíra,  famously did in 1989, in a similar protest over the construction of hydroelectric power stations in the Amazon

Brazil grabs land in Africa

Mozambique has offered Brazil five million hectares of land on which to grow soya, maize and cotton.

Peruvian group illegally occupies land of isolated Indians in Brazil

In his Blog da Amazonia, the Brazilian journalist, Altino Machado, describes how paramilitaries from Peru have invaded land belonging to isolated Indians in Brazil.

Venezuela: protest letter in the Guardian

Leading activists and thinkers criticise the Guardian newspaper for failing to report on a 10,000-person march in Caracas to demand justice for the hundreds of peasant activists assassinated by wealthy landowners.

Ecuador: the struggle for Sumak Kawsay

Ecuador: the struggle for Sumak Kawsay, or 'the right to a good life'. Both the government and social movements see themselves as engaged in the struggle to forge a new and more sustainable way of life for the country.

Brazil: OAS calls for halt to Belo Monte

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organisation of American States (OAS) says that work should end on the Belo Monte hydroelectric power station on the Xingu river, pending "full, free and informed" consultation with the affected comm

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