Saturday, September 21, 2024
Home Topics Racism


‘The Dark Side of Skin’: race relations in modern Brazil

Jeferson Tenório, originally from Rio de Janeiro, is currently a teacher of literature in Porto Alegre. The Dark Side of Skin is his third novel and winner of the esteemed Jabuti national literature prize.

Peru: why the terms ‘Lo Andino’ and ‘terruco’ still matter

Power and wealth in Peru reside on the coast. Poverty reins in the Andes, a problem Lima elites refer to as 'Lo Andino'. These divisions fuelled Shining Path and were behind the recent removal of Pedro Castillo from the presidency.

Uki Goñi: racism persists in Argentina

Interviewed  by CLACS Newton International fellow Gabriel Bayarri, Argentine author Uki Goñi provides insight into Argentina’s intricate history. As a witness to the erasure...

Brazil: orphan mothers

Anti-Black violence by the Police targets young men in Brazil's favelas and makes their mothers 'orphans'. Their trauma and spectacular resistance are highlighted in this new film, reviwed for LAB by Jessica Pandian

From citizen to foreigner: how digital IDs can be used to...

In 2013, a Dominican Constitutional Tribunal stripped a documented, Dominican-born woman of her citizenship, claiming that she had mistakenly been issued with a birth certificate. Dr Eve Hayes de Kalaf investigates in a new book how the universal registration of citizens can be used to exclude the vulnerable.

Dekasegi: migrants return from Brazil to Japan

Brazil's sizeable Japanese community was created by migration. Since the turn of the 21st century substantial numbers have been returning to Japan. Malcolm Boorer explains why.

Brazil’s Empire Windrush

The remarkable story of when and why Japanese people migrated in large numbers to Brazil, starting in 1908, and what has become of their communities since

Peru: why #cosechadeagua is a trending topic

On Sunday, thousands of Peruvians flocked to social media to debate the validity of the Spanish language term 'cosecha de agua' (water harvesting). This...

Peru: protecting culture and biodiversity

A beautifully filmed celebration of traditional ways of knowing, this documentary offers an alternative vision of what true wealth is and what is at stake in the struggle to protect biodiversity.

Dominican Republic: a wall of division

The Dominican president has announced plans to build a new, Trump-style wall, to exclude Haitian migrants. This responds to and will further fuel his country's sad record of discrimination against Haitians and will penalise poor border areas which rely on trade and exchange.

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