Thursday, April 25, 2024


Killing machismo the Colombian way

A new initiative is being made in Bogota to help women stand up to machismo and to get men to change their behaviour

Peru: factory fire exposes child labour and modern slavery

A factory fire on June 22 in the Las Malvinas district of Lima, Peru, that killed four young people has drawn official and international...

Bem Viver: the inspiring role of young people

Rios de Encontro (Rivers of Meeting), is an eco-cultural and socio-educational project based in the community of Cabelo Seco, Pará, Brazil. The project spent...

The Penguin Revolution, Chile, 2006

A documentary about María Jesús Sanhueza, one of the leaders of the 2006 secondary school student protests in Chile, known (for their school uniforms)...

Jovem Negro Vivo

30,000 young people are assassinated every year in Brazil. Of these 77 per cent are black. We want to see these young people...

Queremos ver os jovens vivos! (Infográficos)

Dramatic, animated infographics showing the number of young people being assassinated in Brazil, and making comparisons with countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Part...

The power of the first generation without hope

In May, I gave a talk at Harvard University on the Amazon and creating futures and I closed it by saying that hope, like...

An Amazon view of Brussels

Letter from Elisa. Rios de Encontro. 4 June 2019 Dear Friends, When I was leaving Marabá, I realised I was entering on a new phase of...

The Amazon comes to Cologne

Letter No 2 from Elisa Dias, Cabelo Seco, Marabá, 13 June 2019 Dear Friends, My experience in Belgium was really extraordinary.  We learned so much in...

Rio: state deputy Dani Monteiro denounces governor Witzel as ‘a mad...

This article was published by Correio da Cidadania, 24 June. You can read the original here. Introduction translated for LAB by Mike Gatehouse. Main...

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