Saturday, April 20, 2024

Video posts

Lupita: justice for Acteal

Scarred by a brutal massacre which took place in December of 1997 and left 45 dead, the residents of Acteal, in the highlands of Chiapas, continue to remind the world never to forget. One woman is at the forefront.

Belo Monte dam: conflict in the Amazon

The Belo Monte dam, now under construction in the Amazon, is heralded as an abundant power source for Brazil’s burgeoning economy. But critics...

Lula speaks from prison

In a subtitled interview, above, the political prisoner Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva speaks of strategic errors made by the PT, BRICS, and...

Honduras: Hillary Clinton backed the coup

It’s well known where Hillary Clinton stood on regime change in Iraq and Libya, but what often gets forgotten is that she threw her...

Brazil’s Bolsa Familia

Discover the experiences across ten years of two different families in the North East of Brazil who received Bolsa Família. They took opposite paths...

K – the story of a search

Bernardo Kucinski's searing memoir 'K' tells the story of the agonised search by a father for his disappeared daughter, kidnapped and eventually murdered by...

Massacre en Tlatelolco, 2 October 1968

Shows footage of the infamous massacre of scores, probably hundreds of students in Mexico City, who were protesting at extravagant government spending on the...

El Salvador: from miscarriage to murder

Abortion law in El Salvador recognises no distinction between intentional abortion and unintentional miscarriage, applying jail sentences to both. SBS Dateline investigates...

Tango against elder abuse

Argentine tango teacher and LGBT activist Edgardo Fernández Sesma made this video for the (15 June) World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. LAB's Nina Meghji...

Seven Heavens: the live cult of Queen María Lionza

A short video by OjosIlegales, Venezuela, shows the cult of Queen María Lionza, growing in popularity in Venezuela, which unified indigenous, black African and white European peoples in defence of nature, love, peace and harmony

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