Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Chapter 11 - Cultural resistance

Victor Jara presente – across the world

Immediately following the military coup in Chile on September 11 1973, the Pinochet dictatorship set about destroying as much as they could lay their...

Ernesto Cardenal: everyone is a poet

Nick Caistor writes: The Nicaraguan poet and Catholic priest Father Ernesto Cardenal died at the age of 95 in Managua on Sunday 1 March,...

Tintin in the forests of Guatemala

The rainforests of Central America have come to north London. One day Tintin decided he would like to sit on one of my freshly...

Brazil: young people teach social distancing

Rios de Encontro, the eco-cultural and social education Project, based in the community of Cabelo Seco, Marabá, since 2008, is in quarantine. Dozens of...

Chile: Censored humanity

Chile's protests were thwarted when the arrival of Coronavirus forced the population to stay at home. As the impact of the quarantine takes its...

Mafalda was a revolutionary

Feminism, the media, communism and consumerism, Vietnam –  Quino’s strip-cartoon Mafalda managed to address all these issues from the innocent, but incisive, perspective of...

A year of Chile’s estallido social in pictures

Luis Bustamante's images of Chile's estallido social - which began on October 18, 2019, now a whole year ago - speak for themselves. Most were taken of protesters in Santiago around Plaza Baquedano, renamed by protestors as Plaza de la Diginidad. Others cover graffiti and stencil work that popped up during this period, taken in a range of Chilean cities.

Short films from indigenous Latin American filmmakers at Native Spirit Festival

There’s still time to catch a number of short films from indigenous Latin American filmmakers at Native Spirit Festival: the UK’s first and only annual independent festival to promote indigenous filmmakers, media and artists.

Colombia: street art and social justice in Bogotá

A virtual dialogue was organised to discuss Alba Griffin's new chapter in Pedagogías de la disidencia en América Latina, titled ‘No Somos Falsos Somos Positivos: teorías vernáculas sobre la violencia política y cotidiana en el puente del grafitero’.

EmpoderArte uses film to empower Peruvian women

EmpoderArte, a Peruvian-based NGO which offers a decentralised film education to women, Karoline organises and runs workshops up and down Peru, mobilising hundreds of women to discover and embrace the emancipatory power of storytelling.

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