Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Pintó La Isla

Pintó la isla is a project of urban art developed in Isla Maciel, Avellanada, Buenos Aires. The aim is to integrate the neighbourhood into...

Towards a Living Amazon: Rios de Encontro European tour

Rios de Encontro presents the origins and eco-cultural vision of the AfroRaiz Collective of young afro-indigenous performance-educators from...

Chile: La caravana de las Danzas

The 2018 Caravana de las Danzas 2018, dancing in La Plaza de Talca and taking a walk around the Barrio en Colores, an open...

The Power of Hip Hop in Protest

Louise Morris spoke with Costa Rican hip hop artist, Nakury, about the power of hip hop in protests, somatic solidarity, empowerment through hip hop culture, and how we can effectively harness music in social movements.

Seven Heavens: the live cult of Queen María Lionza

A short video by OjosIlegales, Venezuela, shows the cult of Queen María Lionza, growing in popularity in Venezuela, which unified indigenous, black African and white European peoples in defence of nature, love, peace and harmony

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