Borderland Threads
Crafting narratives with Colombian migrant women in Antofagasta, Chile
The arpilleras and project have been exhibited internationally at a range of events. Find out more below.
Ongoing exhibitions
Event: Exhibition of all 11 works and testimonies, animation, and additional art work by textile artists Daniela Cobos and Claudia Montoya
Venue: Public gallery space at Centro Cultural La Moneda (CCLM), Santiago, Chile
Dates: 5 March to 28 April 2024
Photos: Centro Cultural La Moneda © Tania Salinas García
Past exhibitions
Semana Migrante Santiago 2023, Plataforma Cultural, Santiago
Event: Semana Migrante Santiago 2023
Venue: Santiago, Chile
Event: Panel discussion Retazos de la historia: Arpilleras, memoria, mujeres y resistencia with Megan Ryburn and María José Henríquez (Universidad de Chile) and screening of short film (Wednesday 29 November). Panel discussion Hilos Fronterizos: Arpilleras a través del espacio y el tiempo (Friday 1 December)
Venue: Plataforma Cultural, Av. Grecia, Santiago, Chile
Dates: 28 November – 1 December
Event: Inauguration of “Hilos fronterizos: Arpilleras narrativas de mujeres colombianas residentes en Antofagasta”
Venues: Biblioteca Nacional de Antofagasta, Chile
Dates: 10-30 November 2022
Fería Internacional de Gastronomía, Turismo y Cultura, Antofagasta
Event: Fería Internacional de Gastronomía, Turismo y Cultura, Visited by close to 2,000 people over three days
Venue: Explanada Estadio Regional, Antofagasta, Chile
Dates: November 25-27, 2022
Referencias Cruzadas, various cities
Event: Itinerant exhibition of works from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Paraguay and Uruguay.
Photographs of all 11 works from Hilos Fronterizos feature as part of the collective exhibition, Referencias cruzadas (Cross references: Itinerant exhibition in Latin America. Art as a battlefield, marginality and resistance).
Venues and dates:
- 8-31 May 2023, Museu de Arte de Santa Maria, Brazil
- 8-19 August 2023, Galería Agustín Barrios del Centro Cultural Paraguayo Americano, Paraguay
Event: BeLonging
Photographs and testimonies of the works of five of our artists (Claudia, Dalia, Emilse, Pepita and Yully) were displayed as part of the exhibition BeLonging, curated by Jessica Capra and Mariana Sesma.
Venue: Platform Muenchen, Munich, Germany
Dates: 19 October to 10 November 2023
Principal funding: British Academy Small Grant SG2122211089
Additional funding: London School of Economics Latin America and Caribbean Centre; Universidad de Chile Instituto de Estudios Internacionales; Universidad de Chile Vicerrectoría de Extensión y Comunicaciones
Institutional support: London School of Economics; Universidad de Chile; Servicio Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural
Header artwork: Alice Volpi