The books and articles listed below are a bibliography and for background reading concerning indigenous communities in Brazil
Contributions include:
* El Extractivismo no está en cuarantena – Patricia Gualinga
* A Força da Sucuri – Mekaron-ti Txucarramãe
*Pajés e curandeiros contra o coronavirus – Thodá Kanamari
* A Covid-19 na Amazônia brasileira – Lino João da Oliveira Neves
* Covid-19, transmissão comunitária e óbitos. Como a Pandemia chegou aos Cintas-Largas em Mato Grosso e Rondônia – João del Pos, María Inês Hargreaves
* Pandemia, racismo y genocidio de indígenas y negros en Brasil. El coronavirus y la política del exterminio – Felipe Milanes y Samuel Vida
* Memoria. Morreu Artiana Yawalapíti!
* Silencio, choro e luto com o Xingu – Felipe Milanes
ABSTRACT: Frontiers of national development and agricultural expansion constitute spaces of intense interaction, disputes and contestation. The Brazilian economy continues to largely rely on the opening of agribusiness frontiers in the west of country and, similar to what happened in the past, this is a phenomenon shaped by acute racism and discrimination against the Indigenous […]
A very useful database and map which can be searched by the name of a Terra Indígena, Povo, Situacão Jurídica or Estado
Affects of dams, roads, mining and other intrusions on indigenous lives