Centro de Estudios Internacionales Estratégicos
Working in: Medellín, Antioquía, Colombia
We promote research into various themes of social interest via the Centre for International Strategic Studies (CIEE). We emphasize leadership and ethical values to convert dreams and good intentions into quantifiable results. We support our community by understanding and knowledge in the various areas of action in order to address present and future needs, and thus secure a world that is more hospitable to all, taking advantage of our relationships with the international community.
Medellín Global’s Research Centre establishes independent programmes, each with a specific mission and international vision. These programmes are complemented by the implementation of sustainable actions, accessible to the public, enabling them to empower their lives and customs, and thus to create new opportunities for transformation, growth and integrated development for present and future generations, by means of exchange with other cultures.
Website: www.medellinglobal.org
Main Contact: Sergio Escobar
Email: direccionejecutiva@medellinglobal.org
Phone: 00 57 301 262 2489
Twitter: @MGCeie
Research Areas
- Climate impact and economic development
- Transparency and citizen security
- Renewable energy and electric-powered vehicles
- International relations and urban diplomacy
- Social inclusion and food security