We are working to pressurize President Correa of Ecuador to uphold his Constitution signed in 2008, enshrining The Rights Of Nature, and the UN Rights of Indigenous People, to which Ecuador is a signatory..Article 32 reads,.” Indigenous peoples have the right to determine and develop priorities and strategies for the development or use of their lands or territories and other resources”. These rights are not being observed. We are concentrating on The Mirador Mine, a licensed open pit Copper and Gold Mine which has been started in the Cordillera Del Condor in the cloud forests of the upper Amazon Basin.The mine will extract 60,000 tons of ore per day, use 6 million liters of water daily and leave 50,000 tons of polluted ground up rock in the jungle every day. The Environmental Impact Assessment, which has been approved, clearly states that failure of the Tailings Dam is probable, along with other glaring dangers to the fragile ecology of the area..Acid Mine Drainage is a certainty. Pollution of the waterways of the Upper Amazon with heavy toxic metals is certain. Destruction of the lands of the Indigenous Shuar tribe is certain, along with severe degradation of their Culture.
- Contact Person: David Dene
- e-mail Address: dene200@yahoo.co.uk
- Phone Number (including country code): 0034 699 532842
- Facebook Page:Project Ecuador
- Twitter Account/Handle:ProtectEcuador
- Skype Name: davidfrederickdene