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Women Resisting Violence published in Spanish


The collectively-written book Women Resisting Violence, published in English by LAB in 2022, has now been released online in Spanish by Cita Press. This text has been republished from Cita Press’ bulletin.

“nos sembraron miedo, nos crecieron alas…”/ “they sowed fear in us, we grew wings…”

On November 25 (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women), in partnership with UK-based publisher Latin American Bureau (LAB), Cita launched our latest contemporary title: Mujeres resistiendo la violencia. This new Spanish translation of Women Resisting Violence (2022, Practical Action Publishing and LAB) makes an important, timely text available to more readers—including people whose work and experiences are examined in its pages.

Mujeres resistiendo la violencia brings together case studies, interviews, historical context, and rigorous analysis to tackle one of the most pervasive human rights issues in the world. The book outlines how the work of feminist activists in Latin America combats violence in its many overlapping forms, and how their strategies can transform more communities and our collective futures. It synthesizes the voices, stories, and topics explored in the broader Women Resisting Violence project, which also includes a multilingual podcast, blog, and events (see below).

The book was authored by members of the Women Resisting Violence Collective (WRV), a group of researchers who prioritize a feminist, intersectional, and collaborative approach. Rebecca Wilson, LAB Managing Editor and WRV Collective member, coordinates the broader project. Just as there were many authors of the English text, many translators worked together on the Spanish edition, which was edited by Alejandra Montes Escobar.

The new edition, like all Cita books, is available to read for free from anywhere in the world—all that is required is an internet connection. The English edition of the book can be purchased from Practical Action Publishing in print or ebook. Readers can also explore:

The three-part podcast, which features interviews from activists and leaders from the book, is available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese on all platforms.

The WRV blog, which is updated regularly in English.

LAB’s site for the book, to see how certain podcast episodes and blog posts connect back to specific chapters.

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The process of writing the book and making it available to readers in Spanish reflects the larger aims and the values of the Women Resisting Violence project. As Alejandra explains:

Es un libro sobre mujeres, ideado, escrito, traducido, editado y divulgado por mujeres, que creemos en la importancia de hablar pública y abiertamente sobre la violencia de género. Mujeres que defendemos el apoyo mutuo, el compartir, escucharnos y apoyarnos entre mujeres, porque solo así es que vamos a poder combatir estas violencias que nos tocan a todas, de maneras distintas. Cuando creemos en la causa de lo que hacemos, los procesos fluyen con mucha armonía.

‘It is a book about women: conceived, written, translated, edited and distributed by women who believe in the importance of speaking publicly and openly about gender violence. Women who believe in mutual aid, sharing, listening to and supporting each other—because only in this way will we be able to combat violence that affects us all, in different ways. When we believe in what we do, processes can flow very harmoniously.’

We are grateful to Rebecca Wilson and Alejandra Montes Escobar for being such wonderful collaborators, and to everyone at LAB and WRV Collective for trusting Cita Press with this project.

Lee aquí Mujeres resistiendo la violencia. (¡EPUB descargable próximamente!)

Latinoamérica es el continente con mayores índices de violencia contra las mujeres y las niñas, pero, a su vez, con una tremenda potencia para resistencias múltiples. Este libro demuestra una vez más la importancia de los lazos de sororidad entre feministas de la academia e indígenas feministas que proponen creativas formas de resistencia y teorización desde el sur. Como dice la canción: nos sembraron miedo, nos crecieron alas…

– Rocío Silva Santiesteban, poeta peruana, activista feminista, académica y excongresista

‘Latin America is the continent with the highest rates of violence against women and girls, but, at the same time, with a tremendous power of multiple resistances. This book demonstrates, once again, the significance of the bonds of sisterhood between academic feminists and indigenous feminists proposing creative forms of resistance and theorizing from the South. As the song says: “they sowed fear in us, we grew wings…”’

– Rocío Silva Santiesteban, Peruvian poet, feminist activist, academic, and former Congresswoman

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