Monday, January 20, 2025
Women Resisting Violence book WRV Collective

Chapter 1: ‘They wanted to bury us, but they didn’t know we were seeds’ - Resisting intersectional and gendered violence against women in cities

This chapter, by Cathy McIlwaine & Moniza Rizzini Ansari, examines urban violence in Latin America through a feminist and intersectional lens highlighting how women in the margins are affected by armed urban violence. It highlights women’s agency in building their own practices of resistance through individual short-term coping mechanisms as well as longer term collective initiatives that place a feminist ethics of care at their centre. It showcases the activities of the Casa das Mulheres in the favelas of Maré in Rio de Janeiro, which runs a range of projects to challenge gender-based violence and provide support for women survivors of violence.

Figure 1.2 ‘We have the right to take care of ourselves’. Illustration based on a focus group with five women from Maré, Rio de Janeiro. Credit_ Mila de Choch Cathy McIlwaine, 2022 Rio de Janeiro Women Resisting Violence


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Related podcast episode

Women Resisting Violence: 2. Rio’s Trailblazing Women’s House

‘If Black women in Brazil are the ones who suffer the most from gender-based violence, it is these women that have to be there drawing up public policy’

Located in one of the largest favelas in Brazil, in Rio de Janeiro, and led by Eliana Sousa Silva and her colleagues from the Redes da Maré, the Casa Das Mulheres provides much needed education around gender violence, and support for those leaving abusive relationships, in an area where the police refuse to intervene. It’s been a lifeline for many during COVID when many favela residents lost their jobs, providing work and distributing food to starving families as well as dealing with a huge rise in domestic violence.

Rio’s Trailblazing Women’s House Redes da Mare Women Resisting Violence podcast episode 2

English audio

Áudio em português


Click through to learn more, find extra information, and access online references:

Women Resisting Violence: Voices and Experiences from Latin America


Chapter 1. ‘They wanted to bury us, but they didn’t know we were seeds’: Resisting intersectional and gendered violence against women in cities – Cathy McIlwaine and Moniza Rizzini Ansari

Chapter 2. ‘Care for those who care’: Domestic workers fight back against violence – Marilyn Thomson

Chapter 3. ‘It is a very tough fight’: Abortion as a battleground over women’s rights in Latin America – Jelke Boesten

Chapter 4. ‘Violence on our lands, violence on our bodies’: Women resisting land grabbing and environmental violence – Patricia Muñoz Cabrera

Chapter 5. ‘I have rights and I am free’: Resisting gendered intersectional violence against Latin American migrant women – Cathy McIlwaine

Chapter 6. ‘They cannot erase our memory’: Commemoration, violence, and the arts – Louise Morris and Jelke Boesten

Conclusions and Recommendations

Appendix: Women Resisting Violence, the multilingual podcast

Press release

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