Sunday, February 9, 2025

Get involved with LAB

As a subscriber, writer, volunteer, or partner

Get involved

LAB is an ever-expanding international network of journalists, translators, writers, editors, thinkers, students and engaged citizens.

Subscribe to LAB’s newsletter

Sign up to receive LAB’s free newsletter, which updates subscribers on the latest news regarding struggles for social and environmental justice in Latin America, as well as general LAB news and book, film, podcast, and event recommendations.

Donate to LAB

To support LAB’s work, consider donating the price of a newspaper per month or more! Remember: if you are a UK taxpayer, all your donations can be Gift-Aided (this means LAB can claim an extra 25% of the total at no extra cost to you!).

Are you holding a fundraising event or activity, are you planning to run a marathon and looking for a charity to support? Consider sponsoring LAB and contributing to struggles for social and environmental justice. Send us a message today.

Write for LAB

LAB helps independent writers gain skills in research, interviewing, composing and editing articles. We welcome pitches for articles focusing on social and environmental rights in Latin America. Articles tend to be around 1,000 words, focus on struggles for justice from the point of view of the communities in question and contain relevant (credited, openly-licensed) images, videos and links. We encourage writers to, wherever possible, contact representatives from marginalised communities or social movements and quote them in the piece. If you’d like to pitch an article, please introduce your idea and its context, provide sources you might use and a list of people ‘on-the-ground’ you will speak to, and send to

Volunteer with LAB

We work with skilled translators between English, Portuguese and Spanish. Our translators transcribe and translate testimonies for our books and projects, translate articles from partner outlets for us to republish in English, help us create material for social media, and write subtitles for videos and films.

We also work alongside skilled video editors and audio producers to provide multimedia content.

Our volunteers help with editing articles, publishing content to the website, posting on social media, organising events, and writing funding bids. LAB volunteers can learn about fundraising and campaigning as well as working in a charity.

If you’re interested in volunteering with and contributing to LAB in some capacity, please fill in the form below so we can learn about your skills, interests and country focus. You can also email us at

Partner with LAB

University partnerships

In LAB’s new stream of REI (Research Engagement and Impact) work, we collaborate with university researchers to disseminate their work ‘beyond the campus’ to wider publics, in a simple, impactful way. Current partners include King’s College London, Cardiff University and University of East Anglia. For more information, see our presentation below and get in touch.

Media partnerships

We develop and re-publish content from partner media outlets whose values and aims reflect our own, such as Brazil’s Agência Pública, Venezuela’s Ojos Ilegales Red and Christian Aid, London Mining Network, Peru Support Group and Haiti Support Group here in the UK. We also maintain close cross-publishing relationships with Latin America-focused British media including Alborada, Sounds and Colours and Latino Life.

For a small fee, we offer a translation and publishing service to our partner outlets in Latin America, translating articles into English and publishing content on our website to an English-speaking audience. 

We also host live and online events with our partner arts organisations including Cine Latino, FLAWA and Movimientos. If you are interested in developing a partnership with LAB, please contact us on

Follow LAB on social media


Critical times for LAB

We must raise funds if we are to continue our work, retain our part-time staff, and coordinate our wonderful team of volunteers. Please help us to continue publishing (books, news, analysis, reviews, translations, newsletters, social media) and taking part in vital projects, by donating to LAB.