Friday, February 14, 2025
Home Series Amazon Diary

Amazon Diary

Dan Baron Cohen Amazon Diary

Dan Baron is a performance educator, living in the Amazonian afro-indigenous community of Cabelo Seco, Pará. After doctoral research into ‘theatre as education’ at Oxford University, Dan began his ‘transformance’ project in Manchester, moving to Derry in 1988, to the Rhondda in 1994. and, in 1998, to Brazil. Collaborations with at-risk landless, indigenous, trade union and school communities, generated collective performances, murals, sculptures, and in 2008, the Amazonian Rivers of Meeting project. In 2012, Dan co-founded its Community University of the Rivers with the AfroRaiz Collective. As Chair of the World Alliance for Arts Education (2006-10), and member of the World Social Forum international council, Dan advocated arts education for sustainable futures. Dan publications include ‘Theatre of Self-Determination’ (Derry, 2001), ‘Cultural Literacy’ (São Paulo, 2004), ‘Harvest in Times of Drought’ (Marabá, 2011), and numerous essays.

Brazil: Bem Viver celebration in Pataxó territory

Celebration of 25 Years of Resistance and Good Living Forum 2024Foot of the Mountain Village, Easter Mountain, Southern Bahia August 17-20, 2024 On August 19,...

The Amazon: rivers of life, circles of learning 3

In the last of three articles, Dan Baron continues his reliving of the Backyard Drums as it evolves into the AfroRaiz Collective, coordinators of the Rios de Encontro community arts education project based in Cabelo Seco, the 'poor' founding village of Marabá, Pará, in the Brazilian Brazil. Tensions flare among the young people, as they ‘learn to listen: to learn, rather than to gossip and slash the wings of those who want to fly.’

The Amazon: rivers of life, circles of learning 1

First of a three-part series in which Dan Baron traces the evolution of the poor children from Cabelo Seco, Marabá, Pará, into a collective of recognized Amazonian artists and leaders of their community.

The Amazon: rivers of life, circles of learning 2

In the second of three articles, Dan Baron continues his review of the eco-cultural project he has been coordinating in the Brazilian Amazon with young people from Marabá, Pará, in the Brazilian Amazon since 2009. He revisits the history of the Backyard Drums group as it becomes the collective pulse of the the over-arching Rios de Encontro project.

The Amazon: Learning for a different future

A webinar about ways of teaching nad learning about the future of the Amazon, held in the Cabelo Seco community, Marabá, Pará, Brazil

Brazil: a gift of honey

At the Monument to 500 Years of Resistance by the Indigneous Peoples of Brazil, Braga, a Pataxó chief, imagines a gift of honey for senators as they debate PL490, which threatens indigenous land rights. It is a gift 'to disarm the media, touch the people, enchant the world'.

Ecocide or Good Living – A Circle of Dialogue

Against a backdrop of dramatic photos of environmental destruction in the Amazon, Brazilian indigenous and NGO leaders call for ecocide to be prosecuted.

Brazil: Remembering the Eldorado massacre

Telling the story of a collective act of creativity -- to create a monument in memory of the 19 landless farmers killed on 17...

Renewing the Five Bows: Indigenous resistance in Bahía, Brazil

Dan Baron Cohen and Manoela Souza first collaborated with the Pataxó People in Coroa Vermelha, Porto Seguro, South-East Bahia, in 2000, to build a...

Record – a poem from the Amazon

by Nego, translated by Dan Baron Record The youth stares at his imprisoned canoe a bleached skeleton in the cracked earth. Intuitively, he plants his feet on the...

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