Thursday, January 16, 2025
Women Resisting Violence book WRV Collective

Chapter 4:  ‘Violence on our bodies, violence on our lands’ - Resisting land grabbing and environmental violence

This chapter by Patricia Muñoz Cabrera shows how environmental violence has accentuated sexual violence against rural women land defenders. It focusses on the ways in which violence generated by land grabbing has been particularly disempowering for women from rural, peasant, Indigenous and Afro-descendant communities living in areas rich in natural resources. It showcases women’s struggles to counter the harm done to their bodies and territories by land grabbing, and their proposals to policymakers to implement economic models that are enshrined in fundamental human rights, and in particular in women’s rights. The chapter also maps out women’s relentless work to raise awareness and mobilize constituencies on the connections between women’s human rights and nature’s rights at the local, national, and international levels.

Ercilia Araya at the first panel on human rights violations against Indigenous people during the dictatorship. Credit_ Observatorio Ciudadano_YouTube Women Resisting Violence

About the author

Patricia Muñoz Cabrera (PhD) is an international research consultant and trainer on gender and intersectionality in development policies. Her Postdoctoral research  in sociology (U. of Sao Paulo, Brazi) focused on intersectional analysis of public policies in Argentina, Brazil and Chile. She has worked for European and international institutions, NGOs and grassroots organizations. She was the Chair of the former WIDE Network and is currently a member of the working group on feminist economic literacy at WIDE+. Her current research work focuses on the political economy of intersectional violence.


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Press release

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