Saturday, April 27, 2024
Women Resisting Violence book WRV Collective

Introduction by Marilyn Thomson & Patricia Muñoz Cabrera

Latin America has one of the highest rates of gender-based violence and femicide in the world, an incidence which dramatically increased and intensified during the COVID-19 pandemic. While there is much research on the nature and causes of such violence, there is little exploration of the courageous projects designed to address it. Foregrounding the voices of those affected and those transforming their communities, in order to learn from their innovative responses, is the key aim behind our collective project Women Resisting Violence. The introduction provides a brief overview of the panorama of gendered and intersectional violence against Latin American women and girls, and the types of strategies women are putting in place to resist and mitigate it.

Women Resisting Violence artwork Lilophilia


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Press release

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