Friday, January 17, 2025

Organisations we're working with

Our podcast focuses on three main organisations and campaigns, which you can read about below. To read profiles of other organisations working to mitigate intersectional violence against women and girls, click here.

Casa das Mulheres da Maré

We are currently working with Redes da Maré and their Casa das Mulheres in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Click here to read a full profile of the organisation and their work.

Redes da Maré

Redes da Maré is a civil society institution that produces knowledge, projects and actions to ensure effective public policies to improve the lives of 140,000 residents of the 16 Maré’s favelas. Redes da Maré operates through four axes to increase quality of life and guarantee the basic rights of the population of Maré. Click on one of the images below to learn more about each stream of work.

Colectivo 8 Tijax

We are currently working with 8 Tijax and the affiliated campaign, #NosDuelen56 in Guatemala. Click here to read a full profile of the organisation and their work.

Colectivo 8 Tijax

The collective 8 Tijax was formed in 2017 in Guatemala in response to a massacre at the Virgen de la Asunción children’s home just outside of Guatemala City. 8 Tijax is a group of volunteers who work with the families of victims and survivors and support their campaigns for justice in the courts.

The volunteers at 8 Tijax:

  • Coordinate with lawyers to provide legal aid
  • Arrange counselling and therapy for families and survivors
  • Accompany families to court and cover transport costs
  • Create media campaigns to dignify the memory and lives of the 56 victims

The collective is also closely affiliated with the media campaign #NosDuelen56, which aims to preserve and dignify the memory of the 56 teenage victims of state neglect and abuse in the case of the Virgen de la Asunción children’s home, through collaborative cultural projects. NosDuelen56 is itself organised by the families of the victims, and focuses on demanding justice through the arts and journalism.


We are currently working with the Latin American Women’s Rights Service and their affiliated campaign, #StepUpMigrantWomen in the UK. Click here to read a full profile of the organisation and their work.

Latin American Women's Rights Service (LAWRS)

The Latin American Women’s Rights Service (LAWRS) is a feminist human rights organisation, run by and for Latin American women living in the UK.  It was founded in 1983 by Latin American women in response to the lack of culturally sensitive welfare support available for migrant and refugee women from Latin America. On top of immigration restriction,  both poverty and gendered racism increased women’s isolation and marginalisation, making them more vulnerable to abuse, discrimination and exploitation, and public services were not responding adequately to their specific needs because of cultural and language barriers. 

Zapatista Journey for Life La Montaña