Friday, January 24, 2025
Home Series David Lehmann's Blog

David Lehmann's Blog

David Lehmann is a senior editor at LAB. A social scientist who has worked all his life on and in Latin America, he writes on subjects including agricultural development, religion and multiculturalism. He has worked in Chile, Ecuador, Mexico and Brazil and has accumulated a wide-ranging knowledge of peoples, histories and ideas over several decades. He is a former director of the Centre of Latin American Studies at the University of Cambridge.

Brazil’s indigenous cultures: fragile or flexible?

Film: Ex-Pajé (Ex-shaman) (80 minutes) Directed by Luiz Bolognesi, 2018 With Perpera Suruí, Kabena Cinta Larga, Ubiratan Suruí and Agamenon Suruí… as themselves. Films about Indians deep...

Brazil: Geisel authorized targeted killings

In the last two weeks the Brazilian scholar Matias Spektor of the Fundação Getúlio Vargas has brought to light documents which take us back...

Brazil: Lula imprisoned

The imprisonment of former president Lula takes place against a background which is complicated at best and murky at worst. The case against him is...

Chile: Cabros de Mierda

Film Review: Cabros de Mierda English title: “The Young Shepherd’ (Gonzalo Justiniano, Chile, 2017) with Nathalie Aragonese, Daniel Contessa Aguirre and Elias Collado Moya. ‘Cabros de Mierda’...

Argentina: don’t shoot the messenger

Film Review: El Mensajero. Jayson McNamara (2016) English title: “Messenger on a White Horse’ During the murderous years 1976-83, from the Argentine coup to the Falklands...

Chilean Play: Mad Man, Sad Woman

‘Mad Man Sad Woman’, by Juan Radigan, is on at The Place, 269 Westferry Road, London E14 3RS, until 8 July. Tickets from Translated...

Brazil 1964: Never again!

March 31 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the military coup in Brazil, which ushered in the era of dictatorships in Latin America.

Hora Chilena: Chilean refugees in Cambridge in a Britain at ease...

A documentary film about Chilean Refugees in Cambridge, England, prompts wider questions about a time when the words 'refugee' and 'asylum' prompted sympathy rather than fear.

Chile: Memoria, 40 years on

LAB Council member David Lehmann, after a visit to Santiago's Museo de La Memoria, is perplexed to find that support for the violence perpetrated by the Pinochet dictatorship is still acceptable and tolerated.

Brazil: The remarkable expansion of the Evangelical Churches Part Two

David Lehmann continues with his reflections on the evangélicos, looking now at how the old stereotypes have become obsolete. The second of two blogs.

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