Monday, May 6, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Mike Gatehouse

Mike Gatehouse

Mike Gatehouse
The peace talks in Cuba between FARC and the government have some way to go. But the re-election of Santos is helpful.
Route 4, from Rivas to Punta Gorda, is the lead candidate for the new interoceanic Grand Canal.
The US Embassy has dropped a pre-condition for aid requiring use of GM seed.
The Latin American Council for the Social Sciences produced a fascinating blog about the Cup and its importance and impact on the countries of the Region.
Across Mexico and Central America cell-phones bring benefits and some dangers, especially for women.

Instituto BR

Established to nurture cultural and educational projects which go beyond the obvious representations of Brazil
July 8 2014 Dear LAB Supporter and Friend, Brazil: a film about Munduruku Indian resistance to dams  A new short documentary film about Munduruku Indian resistance to dams on the Tapajos river in Brazilian Amazonas, directed by LAB editor Nayana Fernandez, is being previewed in London on Friday July 11, as part of the First Amazon Film Festival. In September 2013 LAB editors...
Will the new Bachelet administration in Chile tackle the Mapuche problem. Cuba's foreign investment reforms. The shadier side of the World Cup: construction cartels, repression and sex work.
Thanks to the University of London's Institute of Latin American Studies, LAB now has a new base.
President Bachelet is finding that dialogue is not enough to resolve Chile's long-running dispute with its Mapuche peoples.

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