Thursday, May 2, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Mike Gatehouse

Mike Gatehouse

Mike Gatehouse
Some foreing oil companies want to leave Ecuador because of a law tham forces them to provide services instead of only make geberate profits from Ecuador's vast crude reserves.
In this open letter in Spanish, the author argues that Mario Vargas Llosa does not deserve the Nobel Prize in Literature because of his alleged anti-indigenous philosophy.
The author analyses the election campaign in Peru, three months before Peruvians choose a new President and parliament.
Fibre-optic cable laid from Venezuela brings the promise of speedy internet to one of the world's least connected countries.
As cholera sweeps neighbouring Haiti, the Dominican Republic confirms that they have had their first death from the disease.
Former dictator moves from hotel to private Port-au-Prince residence as judicial proceedings over his rule gather pace.
Nicaraguan journalists are threatened for reporting on government corruption.
GUATEMALA: Caught in the crossfire. As the drug related violence in Mexico spills over the border into Guatemala Michael Deibert discusses the implications for residents and the weak rule of law.
Recent easing of travel restrictions for US citizens going to Cuba have provoke different responses from both sides of the fence. Whilst Cuba reads it as an ongoing defeat of US policy, the US argues it is a tactic to promote democracy.
Former dictator faces charges relating to his 15-year rule after being hauled before a judge in Port-au Prince.

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