Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Economy, trade & employment

Jamaica: Threats to Workers’ Rights

A new report by the ITUC on core labour standards in Jamaica, published to coincide with the World Trade Organisations (WTO) review of its trade policies, has found that further measures are needed to comply with the commitments Jamaica accep...

Mexico’s Credit Line at IMF Expanded to Record $72 Billion for...

Mexico requests extension of it's credit with the IMF as precautionary measure during the current economic crisis.

A Decade of Refounding Honduras

As we enter a new decade Gerardo Torres Zelaya looks at the path of the left in Latin America and the roots of popular resistance which have grown in the last 10 years.

WIKILEAKS: Latin America doesn’t trust China

New cables revealed in El Pais, a Madrid daily, show how Latin American countries are increasingly wary of China's growing presence in the region.

Cuba: Reform or Death!

The author argues that the very survival of the Cuban revolution depends on urgent economic reforms

Tiburon aid worker to speak about El Salvador crop shortages

Extreme weather conditions in Central America have created drought in El Salvador in recent months. Will Jason reports.

Wikileaks: Trinidad Jimenez’s (Spanish Foreign Minister) comments on Latin America

Spanish Foreign Minister in Trinidad comments on Spanish and US involvement in Latin America.

Haiti: The business of disaster

Haiti: the business of disaster. US corporations are profiting handsomely from the large quantities of food aid, mostly rice, which is being brought into the country in the wake of the earthquake. But this rice is sounding the death kn

Argentina: kicking out the IMF was key to recovery

In a special interview for LAB, left-of-centre Argentine economist Alan Cibils tells Susie Grady that the IMF “profoundly mismanaged” the Argentine crisis and is repeating the same mistakes in its handling of the European crises.  <

Bolivia: building a state-run lithium industry

Bolivia, which possess 70% of the world's reserves of this strategic metal, is trying to develop its own national industry, while receiving technology from abroad. It's not an easy task, says Emily Achtenberg in an article for NACLA.

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