Thursday, May 9, 2024

Trade Unions, cooperatives & employment

Brazil: landless people achieve advances in the face of government indifference

A documentary film describing an MST settlement in Rio Grande do Sul

Peru: Fair trade gold? Some mistake, surely!

Sotrami, a gold mining company near Ayacucho has achieved Fair Trade certification.

Brazil – the death of the PT

Bernardo Kucinski argues "The PT is certainly finished. Perhaps a new left will emerge from the cinders but I have my doubts."

Transnational Companies Driving Deadly Conflict in Guatemalan Indigenous Territory

Hydro energy may represent a form of clean, renewable energy, but the expansion of hydro in Guatemala has driven social conflict between the government, multinationals and the indigenous populations.

Brazil — from euphoria to despair

LAB launches the first of its new series of Special Reports -- a critical look at the the decade of rule by the Workers' Party (PT) in Brazil. Reviewers seem to like it. Look at what they have to say.

Brazil under the PT — where did it go wrong?

To celebrate the publication of its new book on Brazil, LAB asked several experts to give us their views on the cause of the Brazilian crisis. Their explanations are surprisingly different -- and contradictory. Join the debate and add your comment.

Heading for impeachment

Brazil's Chamber of Deputies will probably vote on whether President Dilma Rousseff is to be impeached on 14 or 15 April. Lula is frantically trying to cobble together a new alliance but time is running out.

Maracujá and the March of Folly

Passion fruit juice, Mad Hatter's Tea Party, outrageous headline in The Economist and non-stop sessions of Congress, as Brazil grinds its way towards impeachment.

Rosa of the Wild Grass – The Story of a Nicaraguan...

From the days of the Somoza dictatorship, through insurrection, the Sandinista victory, the Contra war, election defeat, the struggle for survival up to 2013: three generations of the women of one peasant family tell their story

Brazil’s Cheshire Cat

The Chamber of Deputies will almost certainly vote to impeach President Dilma Rousseff on Sunday 17 April. But, remarkably, former President Lula from the same PT party is still the most popular politician in the country

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