Saturday, May 4, 2024

IB Ethnocide

Senti-pensarnos Tierra – CLACSO Boletin No.1, October 2020

Contributions include: * El Extractivismo no está en cuarantena - Patricia Gualinga * A Força da Sucuri - Mekaron-ti Txucarramãe *Pajés e curandeiros contra o coronavirus - Thodá Kanamari * A Covid-19 na Amazônia brasileira - Lino João da Oliveira Neves * Covid-19, transmissão comunitária e óbitos. Como a Pandemia chegou aos Cintas-Largas em Mato Grosso e Rondônia - João del Pos, María Inês Hargreaves * Pandemia, racismo y genocidio de indígenas y negros en Brasil. El coronavirus y la política del exterminio - Felipe Milanes y Samuel Vida * Memoria. Morreu Artiana Yawalapíti! * Silencio, choro e luto com o Xingu - Felipe Milanes

Virtual toll of indigenous elders is destroying history

As Covid-19 affects older people more fatally, many indigenous leaders are dying, taking with them precious knowledge

Voices of Latin America

Affects of dams, roads, mining and other intrusions on indigenous lives

Assédio missionário

Describes increasing threat to isolated tribes in the Amazon by evangelical missionaries - including those from American churches

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