Brazil: Kadiwéu people adapt to survive
Kadiwéu people from Mato Grosso do Sul have survived against the odds. Now their eye-catching traditional designs are being used on fashionable bags and dresses. Will they benefit, and will they survive deforestation and the pandemic?
The Amazon: Deregulation and deforestation fuel the pandemic
This article was edited by LAB. The authors’ original text (in Portuguese) can be found here.
The authors argue that the acceleration of Amazonian deforestation...
Xingu fecha fronteiras para evitar chegada do coronavírus
Part of the Sebastião Salgado na Amazônia series. Discusses the threat posed by COVID-19 to the Parque Indígena do Xingu and the impacts of...
Brazil: bringing the Word or the Coronavirus?
As the coronavirus spreads around the globe, with more than 300 known cases already in Brazil, and members of Pres. Jair Bolsonaro’s...