Friday, May 3, 2024

Agriculture & Agribusiness

Colombia ends fumigation

In a surprising move Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos has decided to end the spraying of Monsanto's Round Up as a means of eradicating coca.

Resisting state violence in Cauca, Colombia

Filmed over three years between 2017 and 2019, Bajo Fuego is an engaging, enraging portrait of a community’s struggle against state abandonment, economic collapse, and a rising tide of violence

Colombia: continuing displacement threatens the Peace

On October 29, 2019, the indigenous governor of the Tacueyó Reserve, Cristina Bautista, was attacked and killed in the Cauca region of Colombia by...

Peru: agri-cultural resistance

The documentary Mothers of the Land serves as an eye-opening report on the daily lives of female farmers in Peru, and how their traditional way of life is threatened by the modern maladies of capitalism and climate change.

Nicaragua’s youth movement for agro-ecology

Young people and rural trade unions in Nicaragua are campaigning for a better, more sustainable agriculture industry.

Brazil: bonanza for timber exporters

Forest degradation nearly doubled in the Brazilian Amazon last year, rising from 4,946 square kilometers in 2018, to 9,167 square kilometers in...

Honduras: Deaths of environmental activists reopen wounds in Aguán Valley

In January, four social activists were murdered in Honduras within a period of 11 days. The deaths of two environmental defenders from Guapinol were followed by the murder of a peasant leader and his father-in-law.

Paraguay: Curuguaty paved the way for the multinationals

A leading rural workers' rights activist speaks out about the steady concentration of land and political power and the ethnocide of rural peoples.

Brazil guts environmental agencies, clears way for unchecked deforestation

The Bolsonaro administration has launched policies that undermine IBAMA, Brazil’s environmental agency, and ICMBio (The Chico Mendes Institute) which protects the nation’s federal conservation...

Brazil: racism of Temer government threatens quilombos

Brazil's new government has dissolved INCRA, threatening land rights of the country's quilombos

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