Friday, April 26, 2024

Military & Geo-politics

The Militarisation of Haiti

US analyst Phyliis Bennis, from the Institute for Polciy Studies in Washington DC, argues that Pentagon priorities once again dominate in Haiti. The UN’s aid agenda, she says, is being marginalised, with the US sending in planeloads of so


Venezuela rejects Colombian accusations of illegal incursion ♦ Brazilian President cancels trip to Davos due to illness ♦ Peru: guerrilla leader “surrounded” ♦ Chile: salmon production to fall ♦ Venezuelan parliament

Bulletin 4 February 2010

Argentina: President rejects accusations of corruption ♦ Colombia: HRW warns of re-emergence of right-wing paramilitaries ♦ Bolivia: children abused in shelters ♦ Chileans confident in economy ♦ El Niño has arrived

US interference in Haiti

The US has a long history of political meddling in Haiti and many other Latin American countries. Mark Weisbrot reports.


 Mexico: Calderón presents plan for Ciudad Juárez ♦ Haiti: US missionaries released ♦ Peru: “Accomplice” of Montesinos arrested ♦ Lula changes his party’s economic plans ♦ Forest fires continue in Venezuela

Bulletin 15 February 2010

Colombia: guerrilla attack candidate ♦ Uruguay: new parliament to start work ♦ Ecuador and China increase military cooperation ♦ Argentinean film wins prestigious award ♦ European Union speeds up controversial agreement with Cen

Bulletin 17 February 2010

Argentina: President revives the ghost of the Falklands ♦ Brazil: Presidential candidate proposes radical programme ♦ Venezuela to reconsider offer of electricity supplies from Colombia ♦ Argentina: local currency sinks ♦ Guatem

Bulletin 22 February 2010

Argentina: Government “close” to getting continental support in Falklands dispute ♦ Haiti: final toll could reach the 300,000 ♦ Brazil: former guerrilla becomes presidential candidate ♦ Peru’s exports still dominated

The Challenges of 21st Century Socialism in Venezuela

An interview with William Robinson, Professor of Sociology, University of California at Santa Barbara

Chomsky: Militarising Latin America

Noam Chomsky: Recent US drive to restore Washington's capacity for  military intervention in Latin America.

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