Colombia: what does peace mean in Comuna 13?
24 January. With the new year in Colombia came a new sentence from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, holding the state responsible for...
Peace on the Street in Trafalgar Square
Colombians in the UK use President Santos' state visit to renew their calls for peace following the shock No vote in referendum on peace agreement with the FARC
Colombia: an ending and a beginning
In her last post from Llanos del Yarí, LAB's Gwen Burnyeat, present at the historic 10th Conference of the FARC, analyses their final declaration and their transition to being a legal political party.
Colombia: Throwing open the doors
Gwen Burnyeat's account of the crucial FARC 10th Guerrilla Conference, exclusive for LAB
Colombia: building the first bridge
LAB's Gwen Burnyeat travels with members of Rodeemos el Diálogo to meet and seek to understand the FARC, who are about to hold their 10th conference.
Colombia: Will the people say Yes to peace?
With the entire final agreement finally signed in Havana, the peace accords must now be submitted to a national referendum on October 2. The outcome remains uncertain.
Colombia: End of Conflict Agreement Signed
The last two pending points in the 4-year negotiations are agreed and the complete final agreement is ready to be signed.
Colombia: Shakespeare and the Peace Process
As the country awaits the signing of a definitive ceasefire, the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet offers instructive parallels.
Colombia: FARC’s words to the intellectuals
An appeal by the main guerrilla group for intellectuals and artists to join in building the new Colombia
Colombia: commemorating the Mulatos massacre
For the national peace process to succeed, local communities need to make sense of their past and keep alive historical memory.