Friday, May 10, 2024

Loss, Survival, Recovery & Transformation

Covid-19 project

Brazil’s Yanomami people: silence, devastation and fear

This article was first published in Portuguese by Público. It has been translated for LAB by Theo Bradford and edited by Mike Gatehouse There was...

Mexico: the president is doing well, but the country is not

This article was translated for LAB by Fuschia Fowke. You can read the original in Spanish here. Preparations for Mexico’s 2020/21 elections began at...

Ecuador: urban reopening threatens rural communities

In recent weeks, Ecuador has accelerated its plan to reopen the economy by loosening guidelines on provincial travel and other social activities. ‘We are going...

Brazil’s disaster movie

Watching the Brazilian political scene is a bit like watching an old disaster movie, where a suicidal maniac has taken over the plane’s controls and put...

Brazil: Indigenous people in the Amazon brace for coronavirus

This article is available on Deutsche Welle's English website. You can read the original Portuguese article here. Main image: Dr Erik Jennings (left) has been...

Brazil: September 7 — day of death

'We now realise that Brazil has always chosen death. But never, at any other moment of its history, has the country reached this level of perversion under the formal title of democracy.'

Brazil: “We’re on a precipice”

For the university professor João Cezar de Castro Rocha, Bolsonaro and his followers are defined by a revanchist and revisionist vision of Brazilian history....

Covid-19 reaches Costa Rica: hopes and fears

‘Coronavirus will never hit Costa Rica. There are no direct flights between China and here’. These are the words that an acquaintance confidently shared just 7...

Colombia: Duque fails to convince as virus takes hold

Every day at 5pm, give or take half an hour, the figures detailing the numbers of fatalities, recoveries and new cases of Covd-19 become...

Colombia: lessons of the pandemic

8 July 2020. In Colombia, children from the Chocó Robotics Club located in one of the remotest, poorest, and most violence-scarred departments, have used...

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