Monday, May 6, 2024

Bolivia facing up to Covid-19: some achievements, some failures

Main image: La Paz, with the Illimani mountain in the background. Source: EEJCC / CC 4.0, Wikimedia. N.B. Statistics for infection and death-rates shown in...

Mexico: schools reopen but worries persist

Mexico's education system closed down for far longer than most other countries, during the pandemic. Katie Jones looks at the effects, the struggles parents had to home-school their children and the worries which persist.

Colombia: lessons of the pandemic

8 July 2020. In Colombia, children from the Chocó Robotics Club located in one of the remotest, poorest, and most violence-scarred departments, have used...

Jujuy, Argentina: the whole country is watching us

As large parts of the country remain in lockdown, Argentina’s northernmost province, Jujuy, has all but ended its quarantine amid harsh restrictions on freedoms. Main...

Chile: a polarised September on the eve of a crucial plebiscite

As the date for Chile's constitutional plebiscite nears, the country is increasingly polarised. Polls, however, show a large majority in favour of a new constitution being drawn up by a constituent assembly of citizens, not a joint citizen-Congress committee.

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