Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Jan Rocha's Blog

Jan Rocha is a former correspondent for the BBC and the Guardian and lives in São Paulo, Brazil. She is the author of a number of LAB books, and contributes this regular column for LAB, known for its incisive analysis of current Brazilian politics.

The first family, the generals, the oranges and the Cheshire cat

25 February. It’s less than two months since Jair Bolsonaro was sworn in as president, but so much has happened that it seems like...

Brazil: ‘Impeeshmon’ goes to the Senate

The impeachment of Dilma looks almost certain. But the forces likely to be unleashed are hard to predict and harder to control.

Brazil’s carnivals denounce the monsters of corruption and discrimination

São Paulo, 15 February 2018. It’s Ash Wednesday and all that’s left of Carnival in the streets of São Paulo are rows of chemical...

Brazil watches and waits

As the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff moves inexorably closer, Brazil watches and waits. It is like seeing a play that both fascinates and repels.

The Pope in Rio: will popularity be enough?

In her fifth Post, Jan Rocha describes the wave of popularity which greeted the Pope's visit to Rio. Will his new emphasis on social issues be enough to stem the Church's decline, she asks?

Brazil: Cunha, the man who knows too much

The arrest of the former speaker of Congress has sent shock-waves through Brasilia.

Brazil: the parallel universe of Messias Bolsonaro

It was billed as an important presidential announcement, and his ministers stood behind him, dark suited, hands clasped in front of them like a...

Brazilians vs Bolsonaro’s ‘Package of Destruction’

The 'packet of destruction' raft of new bills is set to pass in Brazil's congress, with the enthusiastic endorsement of President Bolsonaro. It spells death and destruction for the Amazon and for indigenous communities.

Brazil: heroes and rats

As rain-soaked soldiers carried coffin after coffin into the football stadium in the small city of Chapecó, in a procession which seemed as though...

Brazil — Forward into the Past

Interim President Michel Temer has chosen a white, male cabinet which ignores all the social advances of the last 14 years

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