Tuesday, May 7, 2024


WIKILEAKS: Latin America doesn’t trust China

New cables revealed in El Pais, a Madrid daily, show how Latin American countries are increasingly wary of China's growing presence in the region.

COLOMBIA: Afro-Colombian communities under attack again

Afro-Colombian communities in the Chocó suffer land invasions once again. Read more for an English summary followed by original in Spanish.

COLOMBIA: 38 indians demobilised through work of local NGO

At least 38 Indians, 20 of them minors and the rest no older than 25, have turned in their weapons and left behind the Colombian armed conflict thanks to a program sponsored by the Association of Indigenous Councils of Northern Cauca, or ACIN.

Colombia: Indigenous protestors block roads in border region with Venezuela

We will be here until they free our people and the military stop falsely accusing us of links to the ELN’ says one striker.

Mexico’s crawling ironies: Colombian commandos training Mexican military and police

Despite it's record of human rights abuses and lack of success in conquering the country's drug problem, Colombian military are now helping to train Mexican soldiers in their fight against the drug cartels.

Colombia and the FARC – Full Circle?

Following the death of ‘Mono’ Jojoy, the guerrilla’s military chief (pictured left), many analysts, including the president himself, predicted that it was the beginning of the end for the FARC.

Central American Nations Seek ‘Plan Central America’

The US  is trying to institute a Plan Central America which is expected to be announded this week. This will seek to address security issues across the region as the war on drugs continues.

Latin America: Carlos Mesa looks at political transition

In a talk at the London School of Economics (available as a podcast), former Bolivian President Carlos Mesa looks at political transitions in Latin America.

Building a Perfect Machine of Perpetual War: The Mexico to Colombia...

As the US increases it's military presence in Central America Grandin questions the wider policy involved.

Nostromo lives on in Colombia’s mining rush

Perhaps the biggest difference with the Colombia of Conrad's famous novel is the US absence. Today it is the Chinese who are in the ascendancy.

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