Friday, April 26, 2024


Ecuador: urban reopening threatens rural communities

In recent weeks, Ecuador has accelerated its plan to reopen the economy by loosening guidelines on provincial travel and other social activities. ‘We are going...

Amazon: Worrying times

Scientists working on a giant research project in the Amazon basin are reaching disturbing conclusions, including the prediction that by the end of this century the Amazon basin could be receivng 40 percent less rainfall and temperatures could have inc

Ecuador: Criminalization of the Social Protest in Times of the ‘Citizen...

Cecilia Chérrez explores the contradictions of a government that claims to rule for the people but represses popular movements.

Ecuador: Correa’s Dilemma

David Dene, from Protect Ecuador, warns that, despite Correa's eco-friendly rhetoric, his insistence on pressing ahead with a big copper mining project will have a catastrophic impact on the Amazon river system.

Amazon: crime without punishment

At least 58 indigenous people were killed in the Brazilian, Colombian, Ecuadorean and Peruvian Amazon between 2016 and 2021. In this article, Mongabay outlines the patterns, the involvement of state actors and the cloud of impunity surrounding these crimes

Ecuador: the struggle for Sumak Kawsay

Ecuador: the struggle for Sumak Kawsay, or 'the right to a good life'. Both the government and social movements see themselves as engaged in the struggle to forge a new and more sustainable way of life for the country.

Protect Ecuador

We are working to pressurize President Correa of Ecuador to uphold his Constitution signed in 2008, enshrining The Rights Of Nature, and the UN Rights of Indigenous People, to which Ecuador is a signatory.

Ecuador: Chevron victory

The oil giant wins a round in its long battle with the indigenous population over oil damages

Ecuador’s cunning plan

A plan to save the rainforest in Ecuador is getting atention from the world.  

Bulletin 15 February 2010

Colombia: guerrilla attack candidate ♦ Uruguay: new parliament to start work ♦ Ecuador and China increase military cooperation ♦ Argentinean film wins prestigious award ♦ European Union speeds up controversial agreement with Cen

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