Sunday, May 5, 2024
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The elections in Venezuela: how much inequality in a democracy?

According to Margarita López Maya and Luis E. Lander, the inequalities between the two Venezuelan candidates raise questions about the model of democracy emerging in Venezuela and the rest of the region. In Spanish with an English summary

Polarisation and Prospects for Social Harmony in Venezuela

Hugo Chávez needs to address the deep divisions in Venezuelan society.

Mortality, Electoral Mandates, and Revolution

To consolidate '21st-century socialism' Hugo Chávez needs to achieve a synthesis between participatory and representative democracy.

Venezuela: what now?

Hugo Chávez has won again, and has promised to consolidate his revolution. But this means better, more transparent governance and improvements to his policy-making capacity.

A Hall of Shame for Venezuelan Elections Coverage

Keane Bhatt analyses the falsehoods published by international media organisations during the Venezuelan election campaign.

Venezuelan Pollsters, Their Records and the 2012 Race—Post-election Update

Iñaki Sagarzazu explains how some pollsters got it wrong when they predicted the outcome of the Venezuelan elections.

Election Day in Caracas

Rachael Boothroyd gives a lively account of election day in the capital.

Chávez Election Not So Different from the Rest of South America

Hugo Chávez's latest victory is just one of several re-elections of left-wing governments in South America, says Mark Weisbrot.

Part 6: Fordlândia

In the sixth and final episode of her journey, LAB editor Sue Branford takes time off to visit Fordlândia, Henry Ford's failed attempt to create rubber plantations in the Brazilian Amazon.

Part 5: Altamira, Belo Monte, Anapu – colonos and loggers

In the fifth episode of her journey, LAB editor Sue Branford continues eastwards along the Transamazônica highway to the town of Altamira, which, due to the Belo Monte hydroelectric power station, is expanding at a momentous rate.

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